Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ad Analysis

In the spirit of full disclosure, I hate this ad and that is why I chose it for this project. The target audience for this ad appears to be middle- to upper-middle class women who don't work and who are the sole housekeepers. The women are portrayed as silly and giggly. The ad implies that having cheap things is bad, but that this product, despite being cheap COSTING, could pass for something that is acceptable to have in the home. People who couldn't afford to go to France can buy this candle and might be able to convince people that they can afford things that are, in fact, out of their reach.
The ad is trying to sell their product, which is often identified as being cheap, maybe even tacky. However, they are trying to position their product as something that could pass for something else. The ad implies that faking having something - whether it be a lifestyle or a particular material object - is better than not having it at all.
Additionally, this ad implies that women are the ones who keep the home and talk of virtually nothing else. They also seem to have nothing to do during the day except socialize, bake pies, and make their home smell like a french one.

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